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Callimachus: Hymns and Epigrams, Lycophron and Aratus

Yayınevi: Loeb Classical Library

ISBN: 9780674991439

44,50 TL  (KDV Dahil)

Kargoya verilme süresi: 1 - 5 İş Günü

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ISBN: 9780674991439
Yazar: Callimachus - Lycophron - Aratus
Cilt tipi: Şömizli Sert Kapak

Callimachus of Cyrene, 3rd century BCE, became after 284 a teacher of grammar and poetry at Alexandria. He was made a librarian in the new library there and prepared a catalogue of its books. He died about the year 240. Of his large published output, only 6 hymns, 63 epigrams, and fragments survive (the fragments are in Loeb no. 421). The hymns are very learned and artificial in style; the epigrams are good (they are also in the Loeb Greek Anthology volumes).

Lycophron of Chalcis in Euboea was a contemporary of Callimachus in Alexandria where he became supervisor of the comedies included in the new library. He wrote a treatise on these and composed tragedies and other poetry. We possess Alexandra or Cassandra wherein Cassandra foretells the fortune of Troy and the besieging Greeks. This poem is a curiosity—a showpiece of knowledge of obscure stories, names, and words.



467 Pages

11 x 17 cm .