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Carian Iasos

Yayınevi: Homer Kitabevi

ISBN: 9789758293544

351,00 TL390,00 TL  (KDV Dahil)

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ISBN: 9789758293544
Yazar: Carlo Franco, Daniela Baldoni, Fede Berti, Paolo Belli
Cilt tipi: Kuşe Kapak

This book is written by Italian Archaeological Mission at Iasos.

‘Then come one to Iasus, which lies on an island close to mainland. It has a harbour; and the people gain most of their livelihood from the sea, for the sea here is well supplied with fish, but the soil of the country is rather poor. Indeed, people fabricate stories of this kind in regard to Iasus: When a citharoede was giving a recital, the people all listened for a time, but when the bell that announced the sale of fish rang, they all left him and went away to the fish market, except one man who was hard of hearing. The citharoede, therefore, went up to him and said: ‘Sir, I am grateful to you for the honour you have done me and for your love of music, for all the other except you went away the moment they heard the sound of the bell’. And the man said, ‘What’s that you say? Has the bell aready rung?’ And when the citharoede said "Yes”, the man said, ‘Fare thee well,’ and himself arose and went away.’


Translation by

John Fort, Nicoletta Momigliano

Getting To Know Iasos- A Profıle Of Carıa- Iasos: Useful Informatıon- Iasos Hıstorıcal Notes- Exploratıons and Excavatıons- The Sıte Of Iasos- The Defensıve Structures- The Cıty Walls- The Tower Of The Western Rort- The Area Of The Agora- The Bronze Age Buıldıngs- The Geometrıc Necropolıs- The ‘Sanctuary Of The Double Axes’- The Small Temple In The Central Area- The Bouleuterıon- The Roman Agora- The Chrıstıan Basılıca- The Area Of ‘Artemıs Astıas’- The Area Insıde The East Gate- The Sanctuary Of Zeus Megıstos- The Late-Hellenıstıc Portıco Complex- The Byzantıne complex- The Theatre- The Resıdentıal Quarters- The Resıdentıal Area to the South-east Of The Theatre- The ‘House Of The Mosaıcs’-The Quarter On The South Sıde Of The Hıll- The Sanctuary Of Demeter and Kore- The Acropolıs- The Castrum Of The Acropolıs- The Chrıstıan Basılıca Of The Acropolıs- The Cemeterıes Outsıde The Penınsula- The Prehıstorıc Necropolı- The Hellenıstıc Necropolıs- The Roman Mausoleum Known As The ‘Balık Pazarı’- The ‘Clock’- The Necropolıs Wıth Chamber tombs- The Terrıtory Of Iasos


Çeviren(ler) : John Fort - Nicoletta Momigliano


144 Sayfa

12 x 21 cm