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Changing Hands: Art Without Reservation, 1 (Contemporary Native American Art From The Southwest)

Yayınevi: Merrell Publishers

ISBN: 9781858941868

1.260,00 TL  (KDV Dahil)

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ISBN: 9781858941868
Yazar: Ellen N. Taubman, McFadden David
Cilt tipi: Karton Kapak

This is the first in a landmark series of three titles that assembles, documents, interprets, and explores the rich diversity of craft, art, and design being produced today by contemporary Native American artists. 

This first volume, which focuses on Native American arts in the Southwest, includes works in a variety of media by approximately ninety artists. This series offers an opportunity to appreciate the work of pioneers defying traditional Native American cultural stereotypes and of younger artists exploring new ground.

Magnificent images of each artist's work (many never before published) are accompanied by artists' statements, biographies, and commentaries. A bibliography of Native American arts today has also been included.

About the Author:

David McFadden is Chief Curator of the American Craft Museum, New York, and has been a prodigious author of books on design and decorative arts history. 

Ellen N. Taubman has been a specialist in Native American arts for nearly three decades. She was founder of the department of Native American art at Sotheby's and has lectured extensively on the subject.

"About this title" may belong to another edition of this title.



224 Pages

23,50 x 29 cm