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Discover Islamic Art in the Mediterranean

Yayınevi: Ege Yayınları

ISBN: 9781874044635

675,00 TL750,00 TL  (KDV Dahil)

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ISBN: 9781874044635
Yazar: Kolektif
Cilt tipi: Sert Kapak

A book by Museum with no Frontiers.

The great Islamic Dynasties of the Mediterranean are the protagonists of this book, together with their fascinating artistic and cultural legacy. Thirty-nine scholars, museum curators and experts in cultural heritage, from 14 countries in Europe, North Africa and the Middle East, are the authors of the 22 chapters that take the rader through 13 centuries of Islamic history from the period of the Prophet Muhammad up until the end of the Ottoman Empire (1922) Discover Islamic Art in the Mediterranean is a collaborative work that was written for all those who share our idea that there is not only one history, but there are at least as many histories as there are peoples. The idea of this book is to contribute to a historically more accurate, and thus more authentic understanding of Islam, by offering different perspectives of interpreting history, art and culture.

This Book is published to complement the www.discoverislamicart.org Virtual Museum and itys cycle of 18 Virtual Exhibitions Discover Islamic Art in the Mediterranean.



272 Pages

25 x 29 cm