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Ethnoarchaelogical Investigations In Rural Anatolia 4
Yayınevi: Ege Yayınları
ISBN: 9789758072217
100,00 TL (KDV Dahil)
Kargoya verilme süresi: 1 - 5 İş Günü
Yazar: Turan Takaoğlu
Cilt tipi: Karton Kapak
Parker, Bradley J. - M. Bariş Uzel / The Tradition of Tandır Cooking in Southeastern Anatolia: An Ethnoarchaeological Perspective
Derin, Zafer / Neolithic Shellfish Gathering at Yeşilova: An Ethnoarchaeological View
Kaplan, Davut / Traditional Modes of Viticulture in Coastal Northwestern Anatolia
Özdemir, Abdülkadir / An Experimental Study of Mat Impressions on Pot Bases From Chalcolithic Gülpınar (Smintheion)
Takaoğlu, Turan / Modern Site Surveys in Ethnoarchaeology: The Case of North-Western Anatolia
99 Pages
16,5 x 23 cm