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Mosaics of Antioch
Yayınevi: A Turizm Yayınları
ISBN: 9789756445068
750,00 TL (KDV Dahil)
Kargoya verilme süresi: 1 - 5 İş Günü
Yazar: Fatih Cimok
Cilt tipi: Şömizli Sert Kapak
- -Floor Mosaic of Antioch
- -Geometric Mosaic
- -Red Pavement
- -Personification of Soteria
- -Iphigenia ın Aulis
- -Personification of Chresis
- -Bird and a Crater
- -Revellers and Hetaerea
- -Narcissus and Echo
- -Buffet Süpper
- -Oceanus and Tethys
- -Personification of Amerimnia
- -Lucky Hunchback
- -Heracles Strangling the Serpents
- -Evil Eye
- -Black Fisherman
- -Tethys (Mosaic of Yakto)
- -Megalopsychia (Mosaic of Yakto)
- -Border Detail (Mosaic of Yakto)
- -Oceanus and Tethys
- -Ladon and Psalis
- -Sea-Thiasos
- -Mosaic From Tarsus
- -Boat of Psyches
- -Dionysus and Ariadne
- -Perseus and Andromeda and Bacchic Dancers
- -Bacchic Dancers
- -Drunken Dionysus
- -Bacchic Thiasos
- -Sun Dial
- -Fish, Ducks and Lotuses
- -Tethys
- -Eros and Psyche
- -Nikostratos
- -Biblical Inscription
- -Select Glossary
71 Sayfa
14 x 21 cm