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New Research on Greek Epigraphy in Lycia

Yayınevi: Koç Üniversitesi Yayınları

ISBN: 9786259830216

900,00 TL  (KDV Dahil)

Kargoya verilme süresi: 1 - 5 İş Günü

Adet Seçiniz


ISBN: 9786259830216
Yazar: Christof Schuler, Fatih Onur
Cilt tipi: Sert Kapak

  • Michael WÖRRLE Zeus at Limyra and the ‘Spirit’ of Perikles
  • Denis ROUSSET A Decree from Xanthos Concerning a Great Benefactor
  • Hüseyin UZUNOĞLU A New Hellenistic Honorific Decree from Lyrnai in Octapolis
  • Fatma AVCU Honours for King Mithradates VI Eupator of Pontus: A New Decree from Çukurasar on the Lycian-Carian Frontier
  • Fatih ONUR Notes on the Border Regions of Lycia: Oktapolis, Milyas and Mnarike
  • Nicholas MILNER, with a contribution by Jürgen HAMMERSTAEDT Moles and Oinoanda in the Reign of Augustus
  • Şenkal KİLECİ – Nihal TÜNER ÖNEN Restoration Works in Kibyra during the Claudian Period: New Inscriptions, ?? ??ß???? ???? of the Lycian Governor Quintus Veranius and New Inscriptions Concerning His Family
  • Christian MAREK New Evidence on Kaunos in the Province of Lycia
  • Christof SCHULER New Work on the Lighthouse Inscription at Patara
  • Patrick BAKER – Gaétan THÉRIAULT Dedications of a Building in Honour of the Emperors Nero and Vespasian in Xanthos .
  • Taner KORKUT – Ş. Recai TEKOĞLU – M. Ertan YILDIZ The Marcii, A Leading Family from Tlos
  • Selen KILIÇ ASLAN Some Chronological Considerations about the Marriage of C. Licinnius Thoas and Licinnia Tation from Oinoanda
  • Christoph SAMITZ Aus der Arbeit an den «Tituli Asiae Minoris» II: A Workshop of High Quality Sarcophagi in Antiphellos
  • Thomas CORSTEN New Inscriptions from the Excavations at St Nicholas’ Church in Myra/Demre
  • Aykan AKÇAY Multi-methodological Approach (RTI & SfM ) to the Inscriptions of the Sanctuary of Ares at Ekizce in the Territory of Phaselis



314 Sayfa

22 x 28,50 cm