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Secrets of the Universe How We Discovered the Cosmos

Yayınevi: Thames & Hudson

ISBN: 9780500251553

820,00 TL  (KDV Dahil)

Kargoya verilme süresi: 1 - 5 İş Günü

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ISBN: 9780500251553
Yazar: Paul Murdin
Cilt tipi: Şömizli Sert Kapak

We live in an age of unprecedented astronomical discovery.

World-renowned astronomer Paul Murdin tells the stories of the men and women who first revealed the shape of the Earth, the existence of Pluto, the principles of relativity and cosmic marvels such as black holes and interstellar nebulae. Their findings revolutionized our view of the Universe, our planet, the stars that shine in the night sky and the vastness of space beyond it. Murdin explains clearly the science behind these great discoveries, along with the passions, struggles and quirks of fate that made for some of the most intriguing human dramas of their times.



342 Pages

27 x 21,50 cm