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Sinan - An Architectural Genius
Yayınevi: Borusan Kültür Sanat
9.500,00 TL (KDV Dahil)
Kargoya verilme süresi: 1 - 5 İş Günü
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Yazar: Doğan Kuban
Cilt tipi: Kutulu Sert Kapak
This book places the reader in the midst of the extraordinary architectural spaces created by Sinan through the medium of the lens of Ahmet Ertug, whose camera focuses on the astonishing vision and creative talent of that architect. The text is by Dogan Kuban, a leading architectural historian and recognized specialist on Sinan.
266 Sayfa
30 x 41 cm
Kondisyon : İçi temiz - Kutu üstünde hafif 2 çizik var...