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The Aegean Mythology The Story of The Two Sides

Yayınevi: T.C Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı

ISBN: 9789751734945

150,00 TL  (KDV Dahil)

Kargoya verilme süresi: 1 - 5 İş Günü

Adet Seçiniz


ISBN: 9789751734945
Yazar: İlhan Akşit
Cilt tipi: Karton Kapak

Mythology, which is made up of the combination of mythos meaning narrated or heard word and logos meaning speech, in Greek, can be defined as the study of legends dealing with the stories of the heroes, deities or supernatural cretures in the culture of a religion or a people, stretching over thousands of years.



240 Sayfa

11 x 20 cm