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Otranto, The Mosaic Seth's Journey- Research for the creative documentary Seth's Journey to Otranto

Yayınevi: Sattva Films

ISBN: 9788890251917

325,00 TL  (KDV Dahil)

Kargoya verilme süresi: 1 - 5 İş Günü

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ISBN: 9788890251917
Yazar: Giovanni Barba, Laura Pasquini, Michele Fasano
Cilt tipi: Karton Kapak

The volume consists of distinct essays that, together, propose, for the first time, a coherent and complete hypothesis of unitary reading of the entire iconography of the paved mosaic of the Otranto cathedral. These studies have defined the basis for the work of developing the film projectIl viaggio di Seth ad Otrantoby Michele Fasano, and later for the production of the creative documentary that resulted from them. The research was conducted, with different methodologies, by Michele Fasano (director and independent producer), Laura Pasquini (medievalist and archaeologist) and Giovanni Barba (author), with complementary results that belong to different disciplines: theology, philosophy of the image, visual anthropology, historical and artistic-historical research.Perhaps precisely because of this the book succeeds in opening out that deep universalist and pluralist spiritual Mediterranean meaning to contemporary sensitivity that up to now historical-artistic research alone, often turned above all to the West for mythology, sources and theological verification, has not been able to grasp in interpreting the Otranto masterpiece.


DVD si yoktur


229 Sayfa

24 x 22 cm